DOP Toscana

Lands of Siena

The Lands of Siena is a Designation of Protected Origin (DOP) on the national list approved by the Ministry of Agriculture And Forestry, whose requirements are regulated by the production discipline of the Tuscany Region.


Terre di Siena oil is produced with olives from at least two of the following cultivars present, at the company level, individually for at least 10% and jointly to an extent not less than 85%: Frantoio, Correggiolo, Leccino and Moraiolo.
Other cultivars can compete such as Pendolino, Maurino, Olivastra, Morchiaio, Pitursello, Americano, Arancino, Cherry, Filare, Gremignolo, Maremmano, Little finger, Buffalo Olive, no more than 15%.


The environmental and culture conditions of olive groves must be the traditional ones of the area.
More specifically, olive groves must be located on land with suitable pedo-agronomic characteristics, free of water stagnation and well drained, with hilly deposit, excluding the areas of the valley floor.

The production of olives can not exceed 30 kg per plant, however it can not exceed 12,000 kg per hectare of olives.
The olive groves of new plant can be admitted to the production of the oil “Terre di Siena” from the third year of vegetation of the plants.
The harvesting of olives for the production of the oil “Terre di Siena” must begin to mature physiological or technologically that in the province of Siena is felt from the end of October; it can start in October and must be completed by 31 December.


The possible preservation of the olives must take place in special rooms fresh and ventilated and for no more than 3 days from harvesting, avoiding overheating and fermentation.

The use of sacks or bales to prevent overheating or fermentation is prohibited for the transport of olives to the mill.

The processing of olives must take place within 24 hours of the awarding to the mills.
Olives should be pre-washed with water at room temperature.
Only mechanical and physical processes are allowed for oil extraction to produce oil that has the original characteristics of the broken-down.
The yield in oil can not be more than 22% in olive weight.

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